gambling addictions therapist in chicago

Therapy for Gambling Addiction

Welcome to Calm Anxiety Clinic, your trusted destination for gambling addiction therapy in Chicago, IL. Our experienced team of addictions therapists is dedicated to providing support and guidance for individuals struggling with gambling addiction.

Understanding what gambling addiction can be a crucial first step towards seeking help and embarking on the path to recovery.

What Is Gambling Addiction?

Gambling addiction, also known as compulsive gambling or pathological gambling, is a complex and destructive condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by an uncontrollable urge to gamble, despite the negative consequences it brings to one’s life.

This addiction goes beyond simple enjoyment of gambling activities and evolves into a compulsive behavior that can have devastating effects on various aspects of an individual’s life, including finances, relationships, and mental well-being.

People with gambling addiction often experience a preoccupation with gambling activities, constantly thinking about their next bet or seeking opportunities to gamble. They find it extremely challenging to resist the urge to gamble, leading to an escalating pattern of behavior where they take increasing risks to chase the thrill and excitement associated with gambling.

As the addiction intensifies, individuals may neglect their personal and professional responsibilities, compromise their financial stability, and even resort to illegal activities to fuel their gambling habits.

Chicago and Gambling Addiction Issues

In Chicago, gambling presents unique challenges due to various factors, including the availability of gambling apps, “scratch tickets”, the presence of casinos and racetracks. Throw in depressing weather and you have a recipe for serious problems.

Let’s take a deep dive into some of these issues:

Gambling Apps

With the rise of technology, gambling apps have become increasingly accessible, allowing people to gamble conveniently from their smartphones or tablets. This accessibility can lead to an increased risk of developing gambling addictions, as individuals have constant access to gambling platforms at their fingertips.

Chicago, being a metropolitan area with a thriving tech scene, is no exception to the prevalence of gambling apps. The ease of access and convenience they offer can contribute to the development and exacerbation of gambling addiction among residents.

Casinos Everywhere

Chicago and its surrounding areas are home to several casinos, offering a wide range of gambling opportunities, including slot machines, table games, poker rooms, and more. The presence of casinos can amplify the availability and temptation of gambling activities for individuals in the region.

The excitement and allure of casinos can attract both local residents and visitors, creating an environment where individuals may be more susceptible to developing gambling addictions or experiencing gambling-related problems.


Horse racing has a rich history in Chicago, with renowned racetracks such as Arlington International Racecourse and Hawthorne Race Course. While horse racing can be a source of entertainment and enjoyment, it also carries the risk of triggering gambling addiction.

The atmosphere, anticipation, and betting options provided at racetracks can be particularly enticing, potentially leading to problematic gambling behaviors for some individuals.

Challenging Weather

Chicago experiences distinct seasons, including cold winters and hot summers. The weather conditions can impact gambling behaviors in different ways. For example, during the colder months, individuals may be more inclined to engage in indoor activities like visiting casinos or using gambling apps.

On the other hand, the warmer months may see increased attendance at racetracks and other outdoor gambling events. Weather fluctuations and seasonal patterns can contribute to fluctuations in gambling behaviors and potentially affect the prevalence of gambling addiction in Chicago.

Considering the unique issues associated with gambling in Chicago, it is crucial for individuals to be aware of the risks and seek help if they find themselves struggling with gambling addiction.

Calm Anxiety Clinic is here to provide comprehensive gambling addiction therapy, addressing the specific challenges and influences that are prevalent in the Chicago gambling landscape.

Our therapists understand the local context and can guide individuals towards recovery and a healthier relationship with gambling.

gambling addictions counseling Chicago man ashamed

Signs of Gambling Addiction

Are you wondering about the signs of gambling addiction? While not intended to be a complete list, here are the main things to look for:

  • Loss of control: Being unable to stop or reduce gambling, despite attempts to do so.
  • Increased tolerance: Needing to gamble with larger sums of money or more frequently to experience the same level of excitement.
  • Restlessness and irritability: Feeling agitated or restless when trying to cut down or stop gambling.
  • Chasing losses: Continuously trying to recoup gambling losses through further gambling, leading to a vicious cycle of mounting debt.
  • Lying and secrecy: Hiding gambling activities from loved ones, friends, or colleagues to avoid judgment or consequences.
  • Neglected relationships and responsibilities: Prioritizing gambling over personal relationships, work, or other obligations.
  • Financial difficulties: Experiencing significant financial strain, including borrowing money, accumulating debt, or resorting to desperate measures to fund gambling habits.

Treatment for Gambling Addiction

Understanding the nature of gambling addiction is essential, as it helps individuals and their loved ones recognize the problem and seek appropriate help.

At Calm Anxiety Clinic, we provide a comprehensive approach to gambling addiction therapy, addressing the underlying factors contributing to the addiction and guiding individuals towards recovery and a healthier, more balanced life.

Our therapy sessions focus on exploring the root causes of gambling addiction, identifying triggers, and developing effective strategies to overcome them.

Through evidence-based approaches such as individual therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), we work together to challenge negative thoughts and beliefs about gambling, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and enhance decision-making skills.

The road to recovery from gambling addiction may involve setbacks and challenges, but with the right support and guidance, individuals can break free from the destructive cycle.

Therapy at Calm Anxiety Clinic provides a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to address their shame and guilt, rebuild relationships, regain financial stability, and cultivate a healthier and more fulfilling life.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with gambling addiction, reach out to Calm Anxiety Clinic today. Our compassionate therapists are here to help you on your journey to recovery.

We offer sessions in person at our Lakeview offices on the city’s Northside or via remote (telehealth). You and your therapist would work collaboratively to choose which approach works best for your situation.

Take the first step towards reclaiming control and living a life free from the grips of gambling addiction. Contact us to schedule an appointment and embark on a path of healing and transformation.

Our Chicago Gambling Addictions Therapists Want To Help