7 Ways To Cope With The Sunday Scaries

sunday scaries woman fearful

Got The Sunday Scaries?

Do you ever find yourself dreading the end of the weekend? As a psychotherapist in Chicago, I often hear my clients talk about the “Sunday scaries.” In fact, it’s a common theme among patients looking for anxiety therapy in the Windy City.

This term describes the anxiety, restlessness, and overall unease that many people experience as Sunday draws to a close and the workweek looms ahead. The Sunday scaries are a common phenomenon, affecting people from all walks of life. In this blog post, we’ll explore what the Sunday scaries are, how they manifest, and effective strategies for coping.

Understanding the Sunday Scaries

The Sunday scaries are a form of anticipatory anxiety. They typically start to creep in on Sunday afternoon or evening, as you begin to contemplate the responsibilities and demands of the workweek.

It’s as if the impending Monday casts a shadow over the rest of your weekend, making it difficult to fully enjoy your time off. Here’s what they might feel like:

  • A sense of restlessness or agitation.
  • Racing thoughts about the week ahead.
  • Feelings of dread or unease.
  • Difficulty falling asleep on Sunday night.
  • A decrease in overall mood and energy.

Common Causes

Several factors contribute to the Sunday scaries:

  1. Work-related stress: If you have a demanding job or a toxic work environment, it’s natural to feel anxious about returning to it.
  2. Uncertainty: The unpredictability of what the week holds can trigger anxiety. Meetings, deadlines, and unexpected challenges can feel overwhelming.
  3. Lack of work-life balance: If you find it challenging to separate work from your personal life, it’s easier for the Sunday scaries to seep in.
  4. Perfectionism: Those with perfectionist tendencies may feel additional pressure to excel, leading to increased anxiety.
  5. Social comparisons: Scrolling through social media and seeing others enjoying their weekend can trigger feelings of inadequacy.

7 Coping Strategies

Fortunately, there are several strategies that can help you cope with the Sunday scaries:

  • Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness techniques to stay present and not get lost in worry about the future. See our Chicago Mindfulness therapy page.
  • Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time to prevent work from encroaching on your weekends.
  • Plan ahead: Break your tasks into manageable steps, creating a to-do list for the week to reduce uncertainty.
  • Self-care: Engage in self-care activities during the weekend to boost your mood and resilience.
  • Social support: Connect with friends and loved ones, sharing your feelings and seeking their support.
  • Reflect and reframe: Challenge negative thoughts about the week ahead and reframe them in a more positive light.
  • Professional help: If the Sunday scaries are overwhelming and persistent, consider seeking support from a mental health professional. Our Chicago anxiety and stress therapists want to help you feel relaxed and calm.
therapy for anxious thinking and meltdowns Chicago, IL
How therapy can help you

How Therapy Helps with Sunday Scaries

Therapy can be a powerful resource for individuals struggling with the Sunday scaries. It offers a structured and supportive environment to explore and address the underlying causes of anticipatory anxiety. Here, I will discuss how therapeutic approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and mindfulness can be particularly effective in managing and alleviating the Sunday scaries.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely used therapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and challenging irrational and negative thought patterns. In the context of the Sunday scaries, CBT can help individuals recognize and reframe the unhelpful thought patterns that fuel their anxiety about the upcoming workweek. It encourages them to replace these thoughts with more realistic and constructive ones. For example, a person who dreads Monday may learn to shift their perspective from “I’ll have a terrible week” to “I’ve faced challenging weeks before, and I can handle this one too.” CBT equips individuals with the tools to manage their anxiety by addressing the root causes and altering their responses to it.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT is another therapeutic approach that can be particularly effective in dealing with the Sunday scaries. It emphasizes mindfulness and acceptance of one’s emotions and thoughts, rather than trying to suppress or avoid them. With ACT, individuals learn to acknowledge their anxiety about the upcoming week without judgment, allowing them to create psychological distance from these thoughts. Instead of struggling to control or eliminate their anxiety, they commit to living in alignment with their values and goals. This empowers individuals to engage in activities they value during the weekend, even in the face of anxiety, and gradually develop resilience against the Sunday scaries.

Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a valuable practice in managing the Sunday scaries, as it helps individuals stay present and reduce rumination about the future. By cultivating mindfulness through meditation or simple awareness exercises, individuals can create mental space to observe their thoughts and emotions without getting entangled in them. This can be especially helpful in reducing the restlessness and dread associated with the impending workweek. Mindfulness encourages individuals to focus on the here and now, appreciating the present moment without excessive worry about what lies ahead.

Therapy offers effective tools and strategies to help individuals cope with the Sunday scaries. Whether through CBT, ACT, or mindfulness practices, therapy can help individuals understand the root causes of their anticipatory anxiety, reframe their thought patterns, and develop healthier coping mechanisms. With the support and guidance of a skilled therapist, individuals can find relief from the Sunday scaries and enjoy their weekends more fully.

Wrap Up

The Sunday scaries are a common experience for many in Chicago, but they don’t have to control your life. This is particularly true if you are struggling from work related burnout. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and implementing effective coping strategies, you can reclaim your Sundays and reduce the anxiety associated with the impending workweek.

Remember that self-compassion and self-care are essential in managing the Sunday scaries. You deserve to enjoy your weekends and face the workweek with confidence and resilience.

Disclaimer: The information appearing on this page is for informational purposes only. It is not medical or psychiatric advice. If you are experiencing a medical or psychiatric emergency, call 911 now or go to your nearest emergency room.